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黄金管理 更新

How much is 黄金管理 to renew?
The 黄金管理 renewal price is displayed within 升级.

When can I renew my 黄金管理?
You can add additional 黄金管理 days to your account at any time.

If I renew my 黄金管理 and I still have days left what will happen to them?
When you renew your 黄金管理 any days which you have left will be added on top of the additional days you have purchased.

如果我更新我的 黄金管理 我是否可以保留全部原本的好处?
只要你仍然是一位 金牌经理 那么您就可以保留现有的俱乐部, 您也可以继续参与在精英积聚的 黄金联赛 比赛以及在 SMFA 比赛里管理您的球队.

Why does my 黄金管理 state I have minus days?
SM allow a 金牌经理 to go up to minus 2 days to allow for any problems they experience with their renewal.

What happens if I renew my 黄金管理 with minus days?
When you renew your 黄金管理 with minus days these will be deducted from the additional days you have purchased.